President Trump signed a visa ban against people from Islamic countries, including Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Sudan and Somalia, stopping just short of banning people from entry based solely on religion.
For those who are saying “this is only temporary,” it is not. The ban has a limit of 90 days for all incoming visa entries and 120 days for all refugees. But don’t let those time limits fool you.
“If the U.S. government stops processing or admitting people even for a week, “their exit visa expires or their medical expires, they have to go back and start all over,” added Nina Zelic, LIRS’s director for refugee services.
And this ban includes people who already have legitimate visas and greencards, who have now been stranded abroad or are being detained at airports upon arrival.
Immigrants, especially refugees, ARE NOT A TERRORISM RISK. “The odds of being killed by a refugee terrorist? One in 3.6 billion.”
The amount of vetting they go through for the chance to come to a safe place and start over is incredible. “Refugees recommended by the U.N. refugee agency for resettlement in the U.S. undergo a stringent, 2-year long vetting process that includes various security and medical clearances as well as cultural orientation.”
We believe Crossing Lines – US & Iran Slackline Exchange is more important than ever and we’re doubling down on our efforts to change perspectives. Because now more than ever we need to see each other as people and friends and understand each other.
News about the ban:…/donald-trump-bombing-four-se…
Huff Post article about how this affects people:…/refugees-us-likely-wait-yea…
Source for the statistic:…/…/12901950/terrorism-immigrants-clothes
Photo by Jade Tabony — with Mohammad Reza Abaee in Geyikbayiri, Antalya, Turkey.
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